Seeley Honda 750

When we put together a feature for the magazine about the Seeley Honda 750 of the late 1970s, there were some photos which we didn’t have space for. And then, even more info arrived… The January 2006 issue of RealClassic magazine features two (count ’em!) examples of the Seeley breed – and one of them is the blue version you…

Yamaha XJ750 Seca

Yamaha’s 750-4 from the early Eighties was never top of the best-seller list, but then Jim Peace has never been one to run with the herd. He reckons you could go a lot further and do a lot worse… I have to confess that I’d never heard of a Yamaha XJ750 Seca, until the day I bought mine. I went…

The Rupert Ratio BSA Unit Single Manual Vol 2

The ultimate, multi-part manual for BSA unit-construction single-cylinder classics is nearing completion. This instalment covers absolutely everything apart from the engine… Many moons ago, ‘Rupert Ratio’ of the BSA Owners’ Club produced an invaluable manual, an extremely detailed hands-on guide to maintaining, rebuilding and trouble-shooting the Unit Single engine. That extensive and informative book became the must-have accessory for all…