IF: Poetry Corner

“IF you can torque your head when all about you, Are warping theirs and blaming it on you…” So wrote Dockyard Kipling, with a bit of help from Dave off of the RC Message Board… IF you can torque your head when all about you Are warping theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when ‘er…

Showing Off

Steve Cooper of the VJMC gets controversial with his feelings about show-going trophy-hunters whose classic bikes don’t… actually… work… There’s a very worrying trend within the classic bike world that, until a few years ago, I’d have struggled to give any credence to. To be frank (no, not FrankW, that would be stretching credulity well beyond its limits), I found…

Stocks, Shares and Sheds

Richard McCann discovers that recession doesn’t only affect valve seats… The headlines have been relentless. ‘Dow plunges another 600 points.’ ‘Consumer confidence slips again.’ ‘Banks in every country facing liquidation.’ So despite watching a recent BBC TV interview with a group of young ladies in Birmingham who claimed not to have heard about the credit crunch until questioned by the…

Racing Days at Mocheck, Part 2

By 1976, Mocheck were enjoying enough success on the circuits that the company produced and sold a proddie race replica. John Ryan rode less and spent more time spannering, and shares a selection of his classic photographic memories of the era… Race mechanic John Ryan and the four-cylinder Honda 900 at the Zandvoort endurance race in 1976. The Mocheck machine,…